What did you do this past week?
The past week I finished the Darwin project and began enjoying my Thanksgiving break even though it’s not for another few days. I’m a big advocate of a mid-semester break like we have in the Spring semester (Spring Break). Class and other activities can become exhausting so it feels nice to stop studying for awhile and just relax.
What’s in your way?
Nothing is in my way other than getting ready for the exams at the end of the semester. There are two more projects for me to complete, but I feel there is plenty of time to get them done.
What will you do next week?
This next week is Thanksgiving break so I will spend some time with family, spend some time with friends, work on class projects including Life, and try to do some reading on topics I’ve been neglecting.
What was your experience of Project #4?
I found project 4, Darwin, to be pretty challenging in that we wern’t allowed to use heap memory. This required storing pointers to objects in such a way that the compiler doesn’t purposely destroy the objects before they are used. As a result, I spent alot of time experimenting and trying to find a good data structure to use to accomplish this task. In the end, I used a deque which solved the issue due to the underlying memory management characteristics. If we had learned about deques a week earlier, I might have finished the project in half the time.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip of the week is to create a personal portfolio page. It took a few hours to put together a simple page like this: http://www.somisingh.com but it’s really worth it as I can pull up the site in seconds when talking to people about my projects.
I used the boostrap tutorial from https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_templates.asp and the site scales perfectly on both mobile devices and desktop browsers.