What did you do this past week?
I spent last week working on projects for this class and Big Data, and talking with companies. This allocator project is taking much longer than I expected although we were warned in class that it was non-trivial.
What’s in your way?
Not getting enough sleep is a problem for me because once I get started working on a project, I don’t want to stop until it’s done or I’ve reached a significant milestone. This can be frustrating when you’re battling a bug and don’t want to stop and regroup!
What will you do next week?
I will spend next week preparing for the hadoop exam, finsishing up the allocator project, and working on coding problems.
If you went, what did you think of the talk by Atlassian?
I went to the Atlassian talk and though it was pretty interesting. I’m glad they brought three different engineers representing a long-time employee, someone who has been there a few years, and an engineer who just joined. They each brought a different persepective and it was an interesting dynamic. From hearing the long-time engineer speak, it doesn’t sound like writing software for decades on end is as fulfilling as say, starting your own company.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My pick of the week is https://pttrns.com/ . This website has thousands of templates for Android and iOS, including iPad and iWatch devices. Since I am not great at UI/UX, when I am making a mobile app, I refer to this website for ideas and layouts. Even if you’re not using the actual template, you can implement themes and components yourself after viewing the site for inspiration.